Deep Tissue massage

Deep tissue massage is a slow and meticulous type of massage designed to work into the deeper postural muscles and effective for relieving muscle tightness and chronic pain caused by past injuries, repetitive movements, and stress. Deep tissue massage does this by breaking down adhesions, which are bands of painful and rigid tissues. With this type of massage it is important to inform your therapist if there is pain, so they can reduce the pressure. After a session, the client may feel sore the next day, possibly two. It is important to stay hydrated as hydration helps the body decrease the soreness.

I recommend this service to relieve chronic pain and overall muscle tightness.


Trigger Point Therapy

A trigger point is a tight band of tissue that causes radiating pain to another area in the body. The neck for example often radiates pain into your head and can causes headaches. Trigger point therapy takes what pains you are experiencing and finds a likely cause of the pain, then releases the tightness. Trigger point therapy can be similar to deep tissue, but this style is refined to laser point precision so it is important to have clear and open communication with your therapist to ensure your comfort during the session.

I recommend this service for those who struggle with chronic pain, headaches, or specific muscle pain.

Sports Massage

Sports massage is designed for athletes. It is a style that examines a specific sport and addresses the muscle groups used most heavly in that sport. This service enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates.

I recommend this service for those who play sports, want to improve performance, and focus on specific muscle pain associated with the sport.

Swedish massage

Swedish massage is a style of massage focused on total relaxation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, increased circulation, enhanced mental clarity, and greater flexibility.

I would recommend this service for those who are looking to reduce stress and relax.


Stretching is when you manually lengthen the muscle, during massage it can be more effective and less painful because it is easier to relax into the stretch than when you stretch on your own. You can choose to have a full appointment of stretching, or request stretching to be added to another service. It works well with sports massage.

I recommend this service for those who have reduced range of motion, or low flexibility.